Invasion of the Cybertrolls

Nasty trolls are not only lurking on Facebook, Instagram and the like – but also in this digital board game!  How can you best defeat them and what arguments will get you further? Work together as a team!

Topic: Discussion culture on the web
Principle: Digital pen & paper role-playing game
Duration: 2-8 hours

After you have formed a group with other participants, you can choose one of four game characters that have different abilities. Then let the adventure begin: In the board game Invasion of the Cybertrolls you and your team have to free the social networks from mean trolls.

Together you’ll solve tasks and get in the way of your opponents, who will annoy you with nasty sayings. However, you can only fight the trolls with words: for this it is important to find out how to recognize and deal with trolls on the net, prevent hate speech and argue well in debates.

Your digital companion in the game is an app that is operated with a tablet. After you have played through the game once, you present to each other in the groups which solution you found and which strategies were helpful.

Conduct the workshop yourself

In order to be able to conduct the workshop yourself, we have compiled all the necessary information for you – an overview of all materials, a detailed schedule as well as teaser videos and ready-to-print information material. All materials are, unless otherwise noted, usable under the following.

Creative Commons license: CC-BY 4.0, OKF DE

Invasion of the cyber trolls was developed during the Project „Demokratielabore“ by Matthias Löwe und Jennifer Hicks. The Demokratielabore were a model project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V., funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the federal program “Demokratie leben!“.

As part of Play Your Role the game was translated.
License:Game: CC-BY 4.0, OKF DE
Translation: CC-BY 4.0 JFF / Play Your Role